Sera Kogen Farm
Flower village
Kamu no Sato
Sera Kogen Hana no Mori
Sera Fujien

Route from Miyoshi / Shobara Matsue

Route from Miyoshi / Shobara Matsue

Route from Sanyo way (Hiroshima) | Route from Onomichi (Sera IC)

Onomichi / Matsue road route from Kisa IC. Travelling via national expressway no. 184 and prefectural road route 56 is approximately 20 kilometers, which will take around 30 minutes. This is the easiest route.

Make a right turn at Kisa IC exit and head to National Highway 184

Go from National Highway 184 to prefectural road route 56

Drive for 15 minutes and turn left on the intersection with prefectural road route 56

Drive for around 5 minutes and Sera Kogen farm is on the right hand side.

Sera Kogen Farm Co., Ltd.