
Sera Kogen Farm
Flower village
Kamu no Sato
Sera Kogen Hana no Mori
Sera Fujien

Flowering information

Moss Phlox and Nemophila Hills

【2024Park open】Moss Phlox【30% flowering】Nemophila【70% flowering】Pinks【Flower buds】

【2024Park open】Moss Phlox【30% flowering】Nemophila【70% flowering】Pinks【Flower buds】

This is information published on April 7th (Sun.) on the flowering of Moss Phlox and Nemophila. Please see below for details on flowering.

Here are the current blooming conditions at Kamu no Sato. Save for some areas, the nemophila are close to full bloom, and are nearing their optimal viewing season. The flowering of the pink moss phlox is slightly delayed due to low temperatures in March, but there is no better time to see the rape blossoms and snow willows, and the park is vibrant with flowers.

Flower viewing forecast:Moss Phlox →4/16 ~ Full Golden Week、Nemophila →From 4/8 to the end of the event (5/12)


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【出逢いの丘・ときめきの丘(Moss Phlox)】

【Pinks・Thunberg spiraea・Rape blossoms】

Sera Kogen Farm Co., Ltd.