Sera Kogen Farm
Flower village
Kamu no Sato
Sera Kogen Hana no Mori
Sera Fujien

Route from Onomichi (Sera IC)

尾道・松江線世羅IC経由のルートです。世羅ICから花夢の里まで約21km、およそ25分程度のルートです。 ルート上にコンビニ、ガソリンスタンドはありませんのでお気をつけ下さい。一番わかりやすいルートです。

Get off from Sera IC, turn right and head northward

At the intersection after getting of SERA IC, head to Kozan bypass / As the road will hit National Highway 432, please make a right.

Turn left at the Kamiio intersection and enter Fureai Road

After turning left, go straight on Fureai Road for about 20 minutes or about 18km. You will pass by melody road on the way.

Turn right at the intersection on Route 45

This is the way to Miyoshi. Once you’ve arrived here, it will only be a little more til you arrive at the destination.

After about 2 minutes, turn left and you will arrive at the Flower village Hana Yume no Sato.

Sera Kogen Farm Co., Ltd.