- 園内(駐車場含む)では必ずリードの装着やキャリーバッグ、ペットカートの使用等の安全対策を行ってください。 リードの長さは1.5m以内でお願いします。伸縮リードをご利用の際は必ずロックをしてリードが伸びないよう注意してください。また、ペットを撮影される際にも必ず上記同様の対策を行ってください。
- リードは必ず人の手で持ってください。リードを外して撮影することはおやめください。またリードを外して撮影した写真をSNSで拡散する行為は、マナー違反の助長となりますのでご遠慮ください。
- 写真等の撮影時に花の上から座ったり、台座を置いたりして、花を傷つけ破損するような過度な演出、行為は絶対に行わないでください。 (万が一、そのような行為を見つけた場合にはご退園いただくこともあります)
- 動物が苦手なお客様もいらっしゃいます。他のお客様への配慮をお願いいたします。
- 排泄の後始末は飼い主様が責任をもって回収し、お持ち帰りください。 (私有地内でのペットの排せつ物の放置はゴミの不法投棄及び、軽犯罪に該当しますのでご注意ください)
- 売店、レストラン、飲食店等にご一緒に入ることはご遠慮ください。ただし食堂併設のテラス席では一緒にご利用可能です。
- 園内設置のテーブルの上にはペットをのせないでください。
- 園内でのペットによる事故、トラブルについて弊社はその責任の一切を負いません。当事者同士で解決を行ってください。 お客様が各自責任をもって楽しくご利用ください。
- ほかのお客様の迷惑となる服装は禁止しております。
- 禁止の服装:過度な露出、着ぐるみやお面、血のり、警察官・消防士自衛官・警備員の制服および公序良俗に反するコスチュームなど。
- 摸造刀など武器等の持ち込みは可能ですが、撮影時以外には収納して持ち歩いてください。
- 長時間の場所の占有はご遠慮ください。
- 小道具等をご利用の方につきましてはその他のお客様の安全面を配慮していただきますようお願いいたします。
- 花を傷めるような過度な演出は行わないでください。
- 万が一、撮影中にその他のお客様と生じたトラブルに関して弊社は一切の責任を負いません。当事者同士で解決を行ってください。
- ルールをお守りいただけない場合、ご退園いただく場合があります。
[世羅高原農場 更衣室のご利用について]
[世羅高原花の森 更衣室のご利用について]
※Flower village花夢の里・せらふじ園には更衣室のご用意はございません。
Can pets enter the gardens? Is there any entry cost?
Pets can enter free of charge. Please obey the rules below.
- Please ensure that you take safety measures when accompanied by pets into the park (including in the parking lot), such as attaching leads, using carry bags, and using pet carts.
- In addition, please continue using these same measures when taking photos or videos of your pets.
- When taking photos or videos, please do not take any actions or set up any excessive performances that could damage or harm the flowers, such as installing a pedestal or sitting on top of the flowers. (You may be asked to leave the park should you be seen performing such actions.)
- There are visitors who are afraid of animals. Please show respect towards these visitors.
- Cleaning after one’s pet is the owner’s responsibility. Please collect and dispose of the pet’s droppings.
- Please refrain from entering the shops, restaurants and cafés. However, you may be seated in the cafeteria’s terrace.
- We will not bear any responsibility for incidents occurred inside the gardens. Please be aware that you are responsible for whatever happens while enjoying the gardens is your own responsibility
About drone photography/filming
If you shoot with a drone inside or around the park without permission, regardless of whether it is during or after park opening hours, a fine of 30,000 yen per person will be collected and the police will be notified for any reason. In addition, we will take the same measures if you have trespassed by using another point of entry aside from the regular entrance, without paying the entrance fee.
Garden hours and entry out of hours
Please refrain from entering outside of specified park opening schedules. Since we only operate seasonally, the park is closed for preparation while the flowers are not yet in bloom. The opening date has been set for each festival, so please check before visiting. Opening hours are basically from 9:00 to 17:00, but during the Golden Week holidays and the Obon period, the park is opens earlier and closes later, so please check the website.
Is it possible to enter outside normal hours?
Excepting during special events, the gardens receive maintenance outside normal hours, so entering then is forbidden.However, depending on flowering season, we may open earlier and close later. Please check our website for extended hours information.
No admissions are allowed for any reason during the closing period. Even the use of restrooms without permission is considered an illegal intrusion, for which a fine of 30,000 yen per person will be charged.
In addition, although the entrance may occasionally be left open for Park Management, as the area is privately owned, entry remains prohibited.
About loan wheelchairs
We loan wheelchairs free of charge. We loan them out on a first-come first-served basis; is not necessary to reserve them.
About cosplay photography sessions
We allow this, but please refrain from using extremely revealing outfits.In the case of using props, please consider the safety of other visitors.
[Sera Kogen Farm Regarding the use of the changing room]
[Sera Kogen Hana no Mori Regarding the use of the changing room]
About bringing your own bento/lunch
We allow this. Please use the benches in the gardens to enjoy your meal. However, please keep in mind it is forbidden to bring food from outside into the cafeteria and café.
Is it possible to get to the gardens through public transportation?
On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, you can get to the gardens by acquiring a “Sera Noen Hanameguri Kippu” (Sera Gardens Flower Tour Ticket) at the Hiroshima Bus Center. This ticket includes the entrance fee in addition to a non-stop shuttle trip to Sera Kogen Farm.
You may find out more about the “Sera Noen Hanameguri Kippu” here.
No buses travel to Sera Kogen Farm on weekdays.It is possible to ride a cab or drive a rental car from the closest bus stop or train station.
Is the park open today?
The park is open 7 days a week during the periods of the Flower Events listed in the flower calendar. The park is closed for preparation outside of these periods.
Is it ok to hold events such as photo sessions in the park?
Please apply in advance, regardless of the size of the session, or of whether it will be conducted by an individual, corporation or association. You can apply by using the online form, or by telephone.。
We are considering charging for commercial photography.
Although there is a park entrance fee charged per person (including the organizer of the meeting), no usage fee is charged for the location.
In addition, please keep in mind the following points:
- 当法人へのメールでのお問い合わせは以下のフォームをご利用下さい。
- 画像の使用などメディア様からのお問い合わせはこちらをご参照下さい。
- お返事には1〜3営業日いただく場合がございます。
- お急ぎの方はよくある質問をご確認のうえ、電話にてお問い合わせください。
世羅高原農場 | 〒729-3305 広島県世羅郡世羅町別迫1124-11 TEL 0847-24-0014 FAX 0847-24-1376 |
Flower Village 花夢の里 | 〒729-6714 広島県世羅郡世羅町上津田3-3 TEL 0847-39-1734 FAX 0847-39-1721 |
そらの花畑 世羅高原 花の森 | 〒722-1201 広島県世羅郡世羅町戸張空口1405番 TEL 0847-29-0122 |
世羅ふじ園 | 〒722-1202 広島県世羅郡世羅町安田478番地82 TEL 0847-22-0020 |